The "Family Members" tab lists demographic information for all household members. Here, you can review each person's contact information and relationships between all household members. By default, only custodial parents or guardians have permission to change/update information in this tab. Rights for other users can be granted through a written request. 

You can request changes to the following fields:

Contact information, including:

  • First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix and Gender (for non-students only)

  • Cell Phone

  • Work Phone

  • Other Phone

  • Email Address


  • Type of relationship

  • Contact Order

  • Legal Guardian Relationship

Update Options for Family Members

NOTE: Requests to change census data will be reviewed by district personnel and approved accordingly. There may be a short lag time between the request for change was submitted and when the changes are reflected.

Updating Contact Information

  1. Select the appropriate family member for which to request a change in information.

  2. Click the Update button below the Other Phone field. A pop-up window will appear.

  3. Enter the updated contact information. For phone numbers, enter the 10-digit number (i.e., area code plus number); for email addresses, enter the full email address (i.e., For name changes (last, first, middle), only alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes are allowed.

  4. Enter any Comments related to the requested information. These comments are seen by the staff person processing the request.

  5. Click the Send Update button. A confirmation message will appear indicating the request has been sent.

  6. Click OK to return to the Family view.

Update Contact Information

Updating Relationship Information

  1. Select the appropriate relationship to request a change in information. 

  2. Click the Update button to the right of the person's name. A pop-up window will appear. 

  3. Select the Relationship between the person's information that is currently being viewed and the chosen person. This is a required field. 

  4. Enter the Contact Order for this relationship. 

  5. Select whether the relationship is a Legal Guardian Relationship

  6. Enter any Comments related to the requested change in information. These comments are seen by the staff person processing the request. 

  7. Click the Send Update button. A confirmation message will appear indicating the request has been sent. 

  8. Click OK to return to the Family view.

Update Relationship Information