iPad app requests should be sent to our help desk address (helpdesk@newulm.k12.mn.us) to generate a ticket. The request should include the name of the apps, a link to the apps (so we can verify the ones being purchased are correct), and which iPads they should be installed onto.

We require that all apps be installed to at least one complete "cart" (for grade levels), or classroom set (for specials). This is done to avoid headaches that can arise from one-off app assignments. If a student has been provided their own iPad via an IEP, then that device is treated independently.

For paid apps:

Most developers offer a 50% price break at 20 seats. Because of how the math works out, any time we are asked to order 10-20 seats, we will automatically order 20.

After the request is received, we will provide confirmed pricing and wait for an account code before moving forward with the purchase.

Example request:

Please install Google Drive onto Mr. Smith and Mrs. Johnson's classroom iPads. This is a free app.

Google Drive: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/google-drive/id507874739?mt=8